Osteopathy at the Fairbourne Clinic

Osteopaths and Cranial Osteopaths: Tim Dennis, Claire Shepherd, Laura Fishlock.


Visceral Osteopath: Claire Shepherd




A system of manipulative medicine primarily concerned with establishing and maintaining good joint mobility and muscular balance throughout the body. Techniques used include rhythmic joint movements, manipulation, soft tissue and some more gentle techniques unique to osteopathy.  Conditions treated over all musculo-skeletal, limb and many other ailments.


Cranial Osteopathy


By harnessing and gently manipulating a subtle pulsation generated by the brain (The Cranial Rhythm), Cranial Osteopathy can be used to treat almost any condition.  It allows easier access to energetic, emotional and neurological levels in the body than ordinary osteopathy It has been found to be particularly good for babies, children and during pregnancy.


Visceral Osteopathy


This type of treatment is focused on the organs and connective tissues. It is aimed at improving nutrition and drainage to and from the organ being treated as well as allowing better motility (the organ’s inherent movement) and movement along the sliding surfaces surrounding the organ. This is to help improve the function of not only the organ but the surrounding structures. Often if an organ isn’t moving freely, the surrounding bone structures will become restricted too.

Frequently asked Questions

Does Osteopathy hurt? The vast majority of techniques used in osteopathy are painless. Some of the deep soft tissue techniques used are painful but very short lived.


Do I need to see my doctor before having Osteopathy? No, you do not have to see your GP before starting osteopathic treatment. (See also under private medical insurance.)


Will my medical insurance cover my osteopathic treatments? Yes, almost all medical insurance schemes now include provision for osteopathy.
You may need to see your GP BEFORE commencing treatment.


Is osteopathy safe? Yes, osteopathy is very safe. As part of your initial assessment your medical history is carefully analysed for reasons to avoid certain techniques. There are however virtually no circumstances in which some form of osteopathic treatment is not possible and entirely safe.


Can I have osteopathy while having other treatments? Osteopathy is compatible with several other complementary and alternative treatments, physiotherapy and massage.
Ask your osteopath about combining, as it does affect the spacing of treatment.


Can I still take my medication while having osteopathy? You MUST continue to take all of the drugs your doctor has prescribed whist having osteopathy. Osteopathy is safe to have with all drugs. You should be able to come off all the painkillers and anti-inflammatory drugs quickly after having osteopathy.


Can I have osteopathy if I am pregnant? Yes, osteopathy is suitable for woman during pregnancy and entirely safe. However, we prefer not to treat during the first trimester if we can avoid it.


Does it matter what I wear for osteopathy? For most treatments we like to be able to see and feel the spine and prefer you to wear sensible underwear. Easily removed outer clothing is best. Please avoid large or delicate jewelry.


Do I need to take time off work after osteopathic treatment? Following an osteopathic treatment, it is not normally necessary for most people to refrain from work. However it is advisable to avoid vigorous or heavy activities for the rest of that day.


Can I exercise whilst having osteopathy? Under most circumstances, especially if you are having osteopathy for an acute condition, it is best to avoid all exercise until your osteopath advises otherwise. Under all circumstances you must not exercise the day of the treatment.


Is osteopathy suitable for babies and young children? Yes, cranial osteopathy especially is suitable for babies and children, right from birth and is absolutely safe.


Is osteopathy suitable for older people? Osteopathy remains suitable for someone throughout their life. Some techniques may need changing slightly but the benefits are the same at any age.


Can osteopathy treat (osteo) arthritis? Arthritis is a very common condition which osteopathy is suitable for. Although arthritis is a non-reversable degenerative condition, many of the compensatory and pain relieving postural adaptations to it are entirely reversible. This frequently eliminates all the symptoms, however the underlying arthritic changes remain.


How long is an osteopathic session? The average length of time for an osteopathy session is 30 minutes. Certain conditions and your initial consultation may take longer.


Are there any side effects from osteopathic treatment? Following your first session of osteopathy you can expect to feel stiff and sore for upto 48 hours. This is similar to the feeling after too much unaccustomed exercise. When very long term problems are released, soreness and stiffness are also common. Following most treatments you will not be in pain, but will probably feel more tired/relaxed than normal. Drink plenty of water and go to bed early. If after a treatment you are in a degree of pain you or your osteopath didn't expect, phone to discuss it, there is usually a very straight forward explanation.